A transformational new school for some of Scotland's most vulnerable children
Work is now underway on our new state-of-the-art school for children who have experienced significant trauma. Perth-based construction company Algo broke ground on the site in June 2024, with late 2025 the target end date for the project.
We have long been aware that the current Seamab school building does not meet the children’s needs, making delivery of a full and tailored curriculum that much more difficult.
Our students will see a transformation from our old school, which has no dining facilities, assembly hall or gym space. The new school will feature a multipurpose recreational space, suitable for use as a gym and dining area while six carefully designed classrooms will provide calm environments for children to learn.
While the former home where Seamab school is based has been a safe haven for some of the country’s most vulnerable young people since it opened, it is no longer fit for purpose. It is a converted house, purchased in 2004 and adapted for our use. The building lacks many of the features associated with current school settings. There is no assembly area, gymnasium or dining space. Classrooms are cramped and inadequate. Corridors are dark and narrow and the movement between classes is cramped, the light and air quality is poor with noise travelling which is unsettling for the students. The building is costly to maintain and is not eco-friendly.
The new school will provide a multipurpose recreational space, suitable for use as a gym and dining area while six carefully designed classrooms will provide calm environments for children to learn. The school is designed to enable a much more relaxed flow between activities and classes, all within a bright and airy environment that is inviting and conducive to learning.
We want the very best learning environment for our children and young people. At a time when schools the length and breadth of the United Kingdom have been replaced and modernised, we firmly that the time is now for Seamab to provide the same level of quality, one that is the equal of our partners in mainstream schools.
Through the exciting ‘Building our Future’ project Seamab will transform the education and facilities provided. The creation of a new fit-for-purpose school will provide a stimulating environment where children can learn and develop. Through the Building our Future project we are:
- Creating a modern school for the learning requirements of Seamab’s children for the next 40 years
- Benefitting over 2,000 children and community users
- Ensuring the building is fit-for purpose through co-design by staff, children, sector best practice and architectural expertise
- Delivering a sustainable and environmentally responsible building which meets educational standards and regulations
- Accommodating Seamab’s new secondary school delivery
With the help of a range of generous supporters, we have raised most of the costs of creating the school our pupils need and deserve, and we are working hard to find the remaining shortfall.
Seamab’s Trustee and former Chair, Chris Stewart has assembled a design team including Thomas & Adamson, LBA, 3D Reid, Thomson Gray, Rybka, Will Rudd, Harrison Stevens and Davidson Chalmers Stewart which are contributing pro-bono to the project and his own team at Chris Stewart Group are providing professional support free of charge.

Capital Appeal
Seamab’s children are more vulnerable than most and through this project we can provide them with the best possible care and education; preparing them for life beyond Seamab.
You can help us to raise funds by making a donation to our capital appeal.
If you'd like to know more, please contact:
Stuart Provan, Chief Executive at [email protected]
Sharon O’Loan, Capital Appeal Director at [email protected]
The progress of our new school is only possible because of the exceptional support we have received from individuals, trusts, foundations, companies and community groups, some of which are mentioned here.
AMW Charitable Trust
Alexander Moncur Charitable Trust
Barrack Charitable Trust
Crerar Trust
Cruden Foundation
D W T Cargill Fund
David Family Foundation
Dickson Minto Charitable Trust
Ettrick Charitable Trust
Foyle Foundation
Garfield Weston Foundation
GS Group
Hargreaves Foundation
Hugh Fraser Foundation
James T Howat Charitable Trust
KPE4 Charitable Trust
Local Energy Scotland CARES Fund
Miss A M Pilkington Charitable Trust
Murdoch Forest Charitable Trust
Nancie Massey Charitable Trust
Nancy Roberts Charitable Trust
NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation
Northwood Charitable Trust
Rathbone’s Foundation
Rumbling Bridge Hydro Community Fund, administered by Foundation Scotland
SSE Renewables
Shoot Charitable Trust
Social Investment Scotland
Stafford Trust
Swire Charitable Trust
Thistledown Trust
W M Mann Foundation
Walker-Schoolbraid Charitable Trust
Westwood Charitable Trust
Wolfson Foundation
Wooden Spoon Charitable Trust
Thanks to our professional supporters